AV-Aid Verifier Web Page
In order to become AV qualified or to just get updated on the latest PATON forms, guidelines and processes, review the information presented on this web page. To begin your AV training, there are many initial downloading tasks required and many Guides and PowerPoint presentations available for review and study as part of the training process. Include these documents that you will need in the field as a reference while performing PATON verification assignments as part of a Navigation Kit. List of AVQ – Aid Verifier Qualifiers - to view the latest list of Verifying Officers who may be used to check off your completed District specific and AV/PQS tasks. You must use a Boat Crew QE to check off your AV program assigned Boat Crew Tasks. Copies of your certificates must be presented as evidence of the completion of your ICS tasks.
D1 SOP Chapter 13 - PATON 19 Apr 2013.pdf
AV Currency Maintenance Requirements
NS-PN03-01 DISTRICT SPECIFIC AV QUALIFICATION GUIDE - download and print this training check off list that shows all of the District specific tasks that are required as part of the AV qualification process. There are a signification amount of readings that are required as part of your qualification process and there are many navigational reference documents that must be acquired. These documents are referenced in this guide and are available from the Navigation Systems Web Site. This guide also lists 18 groups of tasks containing skills that AVs must acquire. You may use any qualified and current AV to assist you with this training project. Verifying Officers have been qualified to check you off as you acquire knowledge and skills. Formal training programs and workshops are also available. The list of Verifying Officers can be accessed above. A Boat Crew QE – Qualifying Examiner must check off all required Boat Crew tasks.
NATIONAL AV Performance Qualification Standard (PQS) March 2024 (NEW) to view or download this National check off list that references all of the National designated training requirements which each AVC-Aid Verifier Candidate must complete in order to become qualified AV-Aid Verifier. Use any qualified and current AV to assist you with this project. Verifying Officers are available to check you off as you acquire knowledge and skills. Formal training programs and workshops are also available. A list of qualified Verifying Officers can be accessed above.
access the First District Local Notice to Mariners. Print a copy of the cover
page from the latest LNM as evidence that you have signed up. Read the sections
in the LNM that applies to private aids. This completes
District Task 4.a.
- to access Chart No. 1. You may download a copy to your PC’s
Desktop from the Internet or buy a copy at your local nautical book store. This
completes District AV Task 3.a. NS-PN03-06 PATON REPORT – FORM PREP - to view this PowerPoint slide presentation that deals with the initial preparation of the NS-PN04 Private Aid to Navigation Report. This form can be used to document non-permitted aids. Use the “View Notes Page” option when performing a self-training exercise. This form will help you with District AV Task 7.c.
PATON TRAINING SECTION NS-PN03-07 BASIC ATON SYSTEM - to review this PowerPoint slide presentation that is a brief explanation of various aids to navigation, including their colors, shapes, markings and usages. Use the “View Notes Page” option when using as a self-training exercise. This completes District AV Task 7.b.
to review this PowerPoint slide
presentation that explains the guidelines for taking and reporting a depth of
water to a Federal agency. Use the “View Notes Page” option when performing a
self-training exercise. This presentation will assist you
with District AV Task 10.c. NS-PN10 ON SCENE OPERATION PRESENTATION (NEW)- which is a summary review of the tasks required to achieve an accurate PATON report. This presentation also provides graphics showing the proper maneuvering techniques for compensating for wind and current. This presentation supports District Task 12.c.
Fix and Depth Reporting Standards to Government Agencies -
Adobe - Document specifying the requirements and standards for reporting depths
and fixes.
List of
Verifying Officers
SO-NS 5 – Anthony Silvestri SECTOR SENE
ADSO-NS Jim Stevens
SO-NS 11 Clint Cave ANT BRISTOL - Divisions 7 and 10
Quinn |
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